Don’t be afraid to start over

motorbike driver

Have you ever felt this? You have ideas, plans. You are sure that when you make it happen it will be great, that it is exactly what you want. But you just can’t take that first step. It is the resistance to leaving your comfort zone and moving into an uncanny unknown that keeps you where you are. And maybe even; When you actually succeed and progress, not with failure, you don’t know how to deal with it. Because you have generally been taught to stay within the norms, invisible boundaries have been determined around you. And how can you be aware of all these thought patterns that limit you when you are still busy searching for yourself?

The good news: you can change it as soon as you notice it. Once you realize it, you can start to dare. You don’t need to start with very big, daring steps, you can get out of that comfort zone you take shelter in by moving forward one step at a time, albeit slowly.

You may have tried it before and stopped trying altogether when you didn’t get the results you wanted. It could be. Now you have experiences, start over. Maybe you want to learn a new language, or maybe you want to gain and maintain healthy lifestyle and sports habits. Maybe you want to go somewhere you’ve never visited or start keeping video diaries, socialize more, and discover a side of yourself you don’t know yet. It’s not too late to start doing what you want to do and what you believe is good for you.

I know…Because I’m starting over too.

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